Unique and sturdy wedge clamps are the ultimate fastener for any guarding application and are also available separately.
Return roller baskets keep workers safe by protecting them from falling return rollers over 7 to 8 feet overhead.
Universal flat guard design can be used for numerous applications. A variety of sizes can be selected and combined to guard your individual requirements. Modular design makes guarding easy to install, easy to expand, and simple to relocate as your equipment requirements change.
Standard Sizes – 24″ x 50″, 30″x 50″, & 36″ x 50″
Belly guards protect workers from the pinch point on the underside of belts.
Standard Sizes for BELLY GUARDS-24″ x 50″, 30″x50″, 36″ x 50″ & 42″x 50″
V-belt guards are designed to provide maximum safety and quick access.
Conviber, Inc.
P.O. Box 301
644 Garfield Street
Springdale, PA 15144-0301